Select Variables to Chart

Select one or more variables to chart

Select Variables to Chart

To access this dialog:

  • In a project with at least one chart, activate the Optimization ribbon and select Charts | Variables.

Select one or more variables to chart. The variables are chartable data fields (data columns) of Studio NPVS reports. A data field is chartable if it has at least two data rows. A chart can combine variables from different reports provided the reports are comparable; for example, a report whose data rows represent years is comparable with another report of this type but is not comparable with a report whose data rows represent LG phases or Pushbacks.

Field Details:

Variable: a tree-like structure with the report name at the root, report items at the second level and data columns at the third level. Click on a report name to expand the tree. Initially, the tree has just one root; you can add more with Add Report button. Select a data column and click Add to add the variable to the chart.

Show: the list of variables to be charted. Select one or more variables and click Remove to delete the variables from the chart.

Chart with multiple Y axes: select this check box if the variables on the Show list are measured in different units; for example, in tons and dollars.


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